Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Phantom Circus.

“I summon thee whom live in the darkness.
I call upon who preside beyond the earth.
Come to me spirits.
I call upon thee, show your self.
Revile your twisted evil to me. Show your self.
Step out of the shadows and in to the light of our world.
I summon thee.”
“What are you doing?”
She stops her hands in mid roll above the crystal ball, sitting upon a silver tarnished stand center of the table covered with a black, blue and purple velour cloth, with partly burnt candles standing on saucers.
“Fucking around” smiling at the girl standing in the doorway with the curtain door pulled back and tired with beads, crystals and ribbon. The light coming in form the out side hiding the full features in shadow
“Yeah I figured.”
She sat back in the chair, her blond hair with pink, blue, and green strikes tired in plaits hanging in front of her.
“Just getting in to mood for later.”
“Your one twisted, gypsy, Carney, fortune tell. You know that?” She smiled before raising her hand, showing her an apple then throwing it to her. Catching it with both hands and a smile, placing it to her lips she took a bit in to its crisp green fruit with its tender white center.
“Isn't that why you travel with us.?”
